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Create table #sales_details ( sales_id int identity(1,1), item_id int not null, qty int not null, unit_price decimal(12,2) not null, sales_date datetime not null ) insert into #sales_details (item_id,qty,unit_price,sales_date) select 1001,5,200,'2012-09-03 11:16:28' union all select 1001,2,200,'2012-09-04 19:22:11' union all select 1002,15,1300,'2012-09-06 14:26:40' union all select 1003,8,78,'2012-09-19 15:11:19' union all select 1001,6,200,'2012-09-22 16:36:11' union all select 1004,22,1000,'2012-09-23 16:51:34' union all select 1004,11,1000,'2012-09-23 17:29:38' union all select 1002,29,1300,'2012-09-23 18:20:10' union all select 1002,6,1300,'2012-09-26 19:40:41' union all select 1002,33,1300,'2012-09-30 20:26:29' Assume that you want to find out distinct item_id from the above table. You can use many methods. Some of them are listed below --Method 1 : Use DISTINCT keyword select distinct item_id from #sales_details --Method 2 : Use GROUP BY Clause select item_id from #sales_details Group by item_id --Method 3 : UNION the same table select item_id from #sales_details UNION select item_id from #sales_details --Method 4 : UNION the same table with not selecting any rows from secondly sepecified table select item_id from #sales_details UNION --union会做一个distinct select item_id from #sales_details where 1=0 --Method 5 : UNION the table with Empty result select distinct item_id from #sales_details select item_id from #sales_details UNION select 0 where 1=0 --Method 6 : Use Row_number() function select item_id from ( select row_number() over (partition by item_id order by item_id) as sno,* from #sales_details ) as t where sno=1 参考:distinct